The Mintaka Foundation
The Mintaka Foundation, created in 2005 by three professors in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva, aims to find solutions to health problems in developing countries and to provide technological solutions to those who are most disadvantaged. It is a mission that the Hubert Tuor Foundation (FHT) was keen to support.
Making projects accessible to as many people as possible
In Western countries, we have access to all the benefits of medical progress. Medicines and treatments that have been developed following often long-term research and advanced clinical trials are systematically offered to Western patients. Thanks to these medicines, the risks of diseases or consequences following surgery are significantly reduced, screening allows for better diagnosis of conditions and the quality of care delivered is excellent.
In developing countries, however, patients suffering from the same diseases do not have access to the treatments we have here. In fact, whether it is for economic, social or sometimes sanitation-related reasons, these people lack adequate access to essential care and do not benefit from the technological advances developed in wealthy countries.
A different kind of support
It is against this background that the Mintaka Foundation works to ensure that existing solutions are developed, both technically and economically, in line with the needs of poor countries to reduce health disparities to a minimum.
The FHT was keen to contribute to the fight by helping the Mintaka Foundation to identify funding sources, by providing the resources needed to develop the right communications tools to raise awareness of the Mintaka cause as widely as possible. The aim is to identify the necessary resources to achieve its admirable mission successfully.