Ι am a doctor from Volos, Greece, and currently working as a junior consultant in Visceral Surgery in the Geneva University Hospitals. Thanks to the help of the Hubert Tuor Foundation, I obtained an important financial support, so as to accomplish a clinical fellowship in the Colorectal Unit of the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh.
After finishing my basic surgical training in Switzerland, in the Hospitals of Geneva and Neuchatel, I have decided to pursue my medical career by adhering to the sub-specialisation of Coloproctology and especially, Pelvic Floor Surgery. The diversity of pathological entities that it englobes, the numerous patients currently suffering and consulting as well as the practically rapid and efficient amendment of symptoms and amelioration of quality of life are the primordial reasons that led me towards this decision. My ultimate goal is to have the possibility to work as a pelvic floor specialist surgeon in Switzerland after the fulfilment of my fellowship, having the ability to apply in practice all the state-of-the art techniques and knowledge that I will acquire in Edinburgh, as well as to teach novel procedures in new-generation Swiss surgeons.
My intermediate goals upon completion of this fellowship are the possibility to obtain the title of “Fellow of the European Board of Coloproctology” as well as the production of scientific articles for publications in collaboration between the two Units (Geneva and Edinburgh). Finally, having the possibility to teach and transmit the acquired knowledge to the next generation is of paramount significance for me, as it guarantees the continuum and constant.
I am fully grateful to the Hubert Tuor Foundation for the confidence they have shown in my project and for the significant support in order to achieve my dream.
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