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I am a student in Medicine at the University of Geneva. Following my Bachelor’s project and my Master’s thesis, I have developed a strong interest in global health, and I intend to work in this field in parallel to my clinical work.

In order to develop the statistical and epidemiological skills necessary to work in population health, I will spend a year in London, thanks to the financial support of the Hubert Tuor Foundation, to follow a Master’s degree in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. This university is internationally renowned for the quality of its teaching, its innovative research projects, and its presence on the humanitarian scene.

My main research interest is the impact of lifestyle factors, and in particular physical activity, on chronic non-communicable diseases. I hope to contribute throughout my career to the development of public prevention measures for cardiovascular diseases, which represent the first cause of mortality and morbidity in Switzerland and around the world. Furthermore, I have a strong interest in the epidemiology of neglected tropical diseases and will have the opportunity to train in mathematical modelling of infectious diseases during the upcoming year.

In parallel to my studies, I have worked at the University of Geneva as an assistant in anatomy, clinical skills and for the UDREM (Unit of Development and Research in Medical Education). Passionate about teaching, I will stay involved in medical education once I finish my studies.

I am excited to join the 242 Scholars network and look forward to meeting its other members. I would like to express my immense gratitude to the Hubert Tuor Foundation for this opportunity.
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